
3DCADit provides a service that makes it easy for Manufacturers and Distributors to add 2D Drawings and 3D Models, as well as detailed 2D PDF ‘Sales Drawings’ to their website. This enables engineers to quickly add parts to their designs, which drives sales.


The days of simply providing a sketch with tabulated dimensions in a catalog are over. Designers and Engineers want to ‘drag and drop’ OEM parts in to their designs. Ultimately, these are the parts that are purchased. Economies of scale prevent OEMs from doing this themselves.


3DCADit Inc. was founded in 1994 as a design-engineering firm. In 2002, development of our CAD file server service started. We launched it in 2004, when we felt the market was ready. It is now our main focus.


We have kept our solution powerful but ‘slick and simple’, which translates to extremely low overhead. This allows us to provide a technically superior solution and incredible value when compared to our competition.

Our pricing models are simple, and we strive to give as much ownership and control as possible to our clients. With a ‘no contracts’ philosophy, we are under constant pressure to prove our value to our clients. Therefore, our competitiveness and level of customer service remain high.